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(UC Davis) Instructor for Integral Calculus (2 classes in the fall, 1 class in the spring)

(UC Davis) Instructor for Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (1 class in the spring)


(UC Davis) Instructor for Integral Calculus (1 class in the fall, 1 class in the spring)

(UC Davis) Instructor for Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (1 class in the fall, 1 class in the spring)


(UC Davis) Instructor for Differential Calculus (2 classes in the fall, 1 class in the spring)

(UC Davis) Instructor for Integral Calculus (1 class in the spring)


(Warwick) Teaching assistant for Analysis I


(Warwick) Supervisor* for 10 first year Maths undergraduates (2 groups)

(Warwick) Teaching assistant for Analysis I

(Warwick) Teaching assistant for Analysis II


(Warwick) Supervisor* for 10 first year Maths+Physics undergraduates (2 groups)

(Warwick) Teaching assistant for Algebraic Topology

Supervisor*: at Warwick an undergraduate supervisor meets with a group of 5 students twice a week to discuss their progress in core modules (Foundations, Analysis I, Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Differential Equations, Analysis II, Linear Algebra, Geometry and Motion).